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I'm doing #ExtraLife again this year, a 24-hour gaming event raising money for kids in need of medical care, and plan to livestream it in mid-October. Donations are much appreciated, if you're able. Either way, reshares would be great! #Charity

Pinning this link here, because it's nice to have something to point to when the "Not just Mastodon" topic comes up, and this guy does a great job of explaining it.

Visuals help, too 😀 #Fediverse #Mastodon

This entry was edited (11 months ago)

thepoliticalcat reshared this.

Free house? Bonus gold? Yes, please! #ElderScrollsOnline #LiveStream #Gaming #Twitch #ExtraLife

Gaming Feed reshared this.

Looking at this month's call records so far, I see that one of them has a caller ID of "Probably Fraud". The honesty is appreciated 🙂

In which I continue developing a space rock... #PlanetCrafter #LiveStream #Gaming #Twitch #ExtraLife

Gaming Feed reshared this.

Funny, I thought I was paying for 6 months of Fallout 1st at a time, not 6 months minus a day or 2. #Fallout76

#PlanetCrafter is finally out of early access! Easy choice for tonight's game. #Gaming #Twitch #LiveStream #ExtraLife

Gaming Feed reshared this.

Brian S. reshared this.

AV Light Transport -

Unlike helicopters, or even VTOL aircraft of old, AVs could reliably maneuver in tight urban spaces, land, take off, and then hit speeds of 500+ kph.


Brian S. reshared this.

Fediverse users: Ew, Meta.
Threads users: Ew, Fediverse.

...unless Threads users just don't realize that they currently need to opt into federation.

Friendica Admins reshared this.

User agent for Threads ActivityPub traffic?

Testing what exists of Threads federation so far, and I can follow users that have opted in, but receive no posts from them when I know they've posted something. I don't have an Instagram account, much less Threads, so I assume they're public posts if I can see them on their profiles.

Right now, I'm checking my web server logs to see if I'm getting any traffic from them at all, but searching for "threads" (case insensitive) in the user agent turns up nothing. Does anyone know what the user agent is, if it's not that?

!Friendica Admins

in reply to Brian S. Friendica Admins reshared this.


Also you will easily recognize the IPv6 address. 😀

in reply to Steffen K9 🐰 Friendica Admins reshared this.

Thanks, and yeah... that is a pretty obvious IP, now that I see it 😀

I found the problem. The version of CRS I'm running with mod_security doesn't like the "profile=" part of the Content-Type request header. Easy enough to bypass that one rule until I have a better solution, but I'm surprised I haven't had problems already, considering that's part of the ActivityPub standard.

in reply to Michael Vogel Friendica Admins reshared this.

Referring to the last 2 groups of digits being "face:b00c".

Celebrating 10 years of #ElderScrollsOnline, and other nonsense. #Gaming #LiveStream #Twitch #ExtraLife

Gaming Feed reshared this.

Season dailies and other nonsense in #Fallout76 tonight. #Gaming #LiveStream #Twitch #ExtraLife

Gaming Feed reshared this.

Brian S. reshared this.

Ms. Ng's Components -

Ms. Ng had been a fixture of the Houston DIY scene since before the corps had bought the place. If you needed electronics, and didn't work for the corps, you came to her.

(Also, today is my birthday, so please share this post far and wide!)


Brian S. reshared this.

in reply to Cher Tailor

@Cher Roughly "Inguh", but with the u really short.

Well, I TRIED to stream #PacificDrive tonight, and then eventually managed to complete the run I started. In the process, I think I generated at least a half dozen crash reports for the devs. Here's hoping they find the problem...

Charting routes and farming resources in #PacificDrive tonight. #LiveStream #Gaming #Twitch #ExtraLife

Gaming Feed reshared this.

Brian S. reshared this.

Desert Wreckage Home -

Decades ago, the ship had crashed in a fluxstorm. It looked like the crew had built a home around it, and then THAT had fallen into ruin. Now, it was the home of a lone shepherd.


Brian S. reshared this.

Brian S. reshared this.

Mountain Home -

Like most homes in the interior, it was small, well hidden and mostly self sufficient. You could pass within metres of it without knowing if you didn't know what to look for.


Brian S. reshared this.

Brian S. reshared this.

I feel personally attacked by this Verge article about the new Mr & Mrs Smith TV show.


Brian S. reshared this.

Brian S. reshared this.

NASA stated that the Ingenuity helicopter has officially taken its last flight. 72 out of 5 planned flights is pretty darn good.

reshared this

I see that #Reddit has now joined the "fix it until it's broken" crowd with their new UI.

Brian S. reshared this.

Moskva Settlement -
They had arrived 20 years ago - a full commuter ferry ripped out of their world and fused between two trees in the forest. Most of the passengers died within the first year, but somehow, the rest managed to survive.


Brian S. reshared this.

Brian S. reshared this.

My son sent me this, I have no idea where it's from but it's perfect.

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Brian S. reshared this.

Traveling from the US to a jurisdiction with real privacy laws is instructive. Visiting some of the same web sites I always visit, after clicking through a “manage cookies" banner from one (US) web site I saw this. Folks, I’m more than casually knowledgeable about privacy; it's one of my research areas and I write about it, and even I was shocked at the number of (I assume potential) partners in this pop-up, to say nothing of the cookie types that couldn't be disabled.

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Brian S. reshared this.

we really be do standing on the shoulders of giants

the fediverse wouldn't exist without the pioneering work of @cwebber, @erincandescent and @evan

let's show them some appreciation, Mastodon and Threads get a lot of credit for the ActivityPub spec they built upon and the AP authors don't get the credit they deserve


This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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Brian S. reshared this.

Bank security in the US: “just write this password down and stick it in your fridge. It’s fine!”
Security for an online game: “we need two passwords, a physical key, and a high-res picture of you holding your ID and this sign were going to send you in the mail.”

Brian S. reshared this.

in reply to Anna

I logged onto Petco yesterday to order some filters for my cat's water fountain and it required (REQUIRED) me to set up 2FA with no option to do it later or skip it entirely. PETCO! The arf arf meow meow Petco.
in reply to Anna

"...and, oh yeah, we're going to need root access to your PC."

Brian S. reshared this.

You know you're old when this isn't the first Elder Scrolls title you've played (because the one you've played is even older)

reshared this

Brian S. reshared this.

Stop what you're doing right now.

Go to discord, under settings -> User Settings -> Clips

Disable this setting now, it's permission for people in servers to record clips of your voice and by default, it's enabled.

reshared this

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!
Everyone else, happy holidays!

Friendica (my Fediverse platform of choice) is now bi-directional when it comes to Bluesky posts. This should be interesting...

Brian S. reshared this.

Merry Christmas!

reshared this

Brian S. reshared this.

Standard Ebooks: new, lovingly formatted, open source editions of public domain ebooks.

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Brian S. reshared this.

periodic reminder that "no, I'm in the control group" is a wonderfully versatile response that works in many situations

"did you catch the Seahawks game last night?" / "no, I'm in the control group"

"do you have any plans for Christmas?" / "no, I'm in the control group"

"do you know how fast you were going back there?" / "no, I'm in the control group"

"can I get you something to drink?" / "no, I'm in the control group"

reshared this

Brian S. reshared this.

This is wild. MailChimp *demands* podcasts use non-union talent or they won’t advetise on a show. Solid reporting by Ariel Shapiro. #Podcasting

Brian S. reshared this.

More #Starfield tonight. NG+2, and leaving the main story behind. #Gaming #LiveStream #Twitch #ExtraLife

Brian S. reshared this.

DVD's are making a comeback with movie & TV fans.

As streaming replaces physical media, don't assume movies and shows you 'buy' will remain bought. They can disappear from the platform, or the platform itself can disappear.

#movies #dvd #physicalmedia #streaming

in reply to Daniel Suarez

consider them long term rentals unless you have a drm-free local copy

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